How Do Experts Recommend You Treat Sensitive Teeth?

Sensitivity to hot, cold, or sugary foods and drinks, or cold air is common, most often i20 to 52 year old people. However, if it is making eating of drinking less enjoyable, there are things you can do, and it all starts with having a conversation with an expert - your dentist or hygienist.
Here are some tips that can help you.

1. Talk to an Expert

Dentin hypersensitivity is nor a disease, it’s a condition that develops ever time, and is very treatable, in most cases, talking to an expert – your dentist or hygienist – can help find ways to treat and manage your daily symptoms. Following some key points to have in mind:

  • Have you ever been diagnosed with sensitive teeth?
  • Do you feel pain when you eat hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods?
  • Does cold weather affect you teeth?
  • Do you find yourself avoiding certain foods, or chewing on one side of your mouth?
  • How often do you brush your teeth?
  • Why does it hurts when you brush your teeth?

Find out more about the typical symptoms of sensitivity with our Online Check Up. Once you’ve filled it out, you’ll be provided with a dental profile that can share with your dentist.

2. Keep a Dental Diary

To help your dentist’s diagnosis, keep a diary of your sensitivity. Have you identify which type of food or drinks cause your problem, how long the pain lasts, among others. The more detail you can give, the more your dentist can do to help you.

3. Choose the Right Dental Products

Switch to a softer toothbrush to decrease the impact of an aggressive brushing and switch your standard daily toothpaste, to a specially formulated for sensitive teeth. These low-abrasive toothpastes contain active ingredients that can help relieve tooth sensitivity.

4. Manage Sensitivity

Your dentist will provide the best plan for you, and floss may be recommended. For added peace
of mind, visit your dentist every 6 months for a check – up.